Monday, February 2, 2009

Cewek With New Handphone Go to Scholl in White Blue Dress

Cewek SMA SMU SMP bugil telanjang

Gadis SMP Bugil

One student From SMA Jogjakarta youth who mengajaknya rapt dinner. Holy rapt after attending the reunion in the area elite Pondok Indah, South Jakarta.

"Currently we are still looking for perpetrators, is being developed penyelidikannya," said Head of PR Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol He Adinegara to journalist in Mapolda Metro Jaya, Jalan Sudirman, South Jakarta, on Monday (2/2/2009).

According to him, when the abduction began on Saturday (31 / 1) night, holy to the Pondok Indah to attend the reunion events. Once completed, the place to stop in the Holy kos friends, Mizye, in Cipete, South Jakarta. Previously, at 18:30 WIB, Holy contacted the youth said he was not known.

Youth invites the Holy dinner in one place. This janggalnya, Holy also nod. At approximately 23:00 WIB, pemdua that meet with the Holy car Honda Stream. However, the Holy even own a car, Toyota Alphard B 903 FS.

Holy dibekam and then inserted into the car. Meanwhile, a car belonging to the Holy brought other actors. On the way, that the Holy hands tied and taken the bag and its contents. After the property was taken bendanya, discard the Holy Karawang in the area. On Sunday (1 / 1) morning, the Holy incident reported to the Polda Metro Jaya

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